Myths About Our Foosball Tables

Our Foosball Table Company Is Out To Improve The Game For All Players
Here at Warrior Table Soccer, we tend to field the same questions and concerns about our professional foosball table for sale. When you search “foosball myths” or “myths about foosball” on the internet, you won’t find much out there. So, we figured that we might as well touch on the matter! In a constant pursuit to improve and optimize the game of table soccer, let’s take a look at a few commonly misunderstood aspects of our very own foosball tables.Myth: The Rods Aren’t Dangerous
You can’t control the players without rods attached to them, so you’ll find rods in every foosball table design out there. Anyone who’s been poked, prodded, or flat-out stabbed by the end of a rod knows that they can certainly cause harm. What separates Warrior Table Soccer from the competition is the fact that we have rod guards specifically designed to prevent injuries from rods. Our Rod Protection System (RPS) comes standard on our professional foosball table.Myth: You Need A Euro-Spec Table For Optimal Quality
While there’s no doubt that table soccer is immensely popular in Europe, and the sport even originated overseas before making its way to the states, it’s not like you have to go to Europe to get a legitimate table soccer table. Warrior Table Soccer has made it incredibly easy to get the best of the best shipping straight to your door.